Dogs may be more likely to eat objects such as rocks and toys, while cats may eat more curious items such as clothing, strings, and kitty litter. Pets with pica or coprophagy eat substances that are not considered food. Owners may also choose to work with a veterinary behaviorist to eliminate the behavior. Owners can prevent pets from eating objects by eliminating access to the objects, making the objects unpleasant to taste, enriching the pet’s environment to prevent boredom, or using muzzles on walks. When eaten, some objects may block the digestive tract and require surgical removal or retrieval with an endoscope. Veterinarians do not know why pets engage in these behaviors, but rarely, underlying diseases may lead to them. Coprophagy is the consumption of feces, and it is much more common in dogs than cats. In addition, make sure to visit your veterinarian for a check up every 6 months.Pica is the eating of non-food substances such as rocks, soil, and clothing. Offer your dog adequate preventive medicine, always respecting its vaccination and periodic deworming schedule.Enrich your dog’s environment so that your dog can expel energy effectively and safely.Provide your dog with adequate mental stimulation, intelligence games and / or dog activities.Never tease or joke with your dog with the use of objects such as stones, as this will lead your dog to believe they are okay to ingest. Always use appropriate toys when playing with your dog.Offer your dog enough physical activity, always respecting the type and quantity of exercise most appropriate to your dog's age.

Provide your dog with a complete and balanced diet, according to its nutritional requirements (per age, breed and size).We recommend paying attention to these following guidelines in order to prevent your dog from eating rocks, stones and foreign bodies: For more, we recommend reading our article where we discuss everything you need to know about deworming dogs. If you notice that your dog is showing symptoms of intestinal parasites such as scratching or dragging of its bum, as well as eating rocks, consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Parasite infestation: several studies indicate that, in the wild, dogs eat plants or herbs to eliminate infestation of intestinal parasites.A dog prefers to be punished than not receive attention at all.This generally only occurs in extreme cases. Demand for attention: dogs that spend a lot hours alone or do not receive enough attention may consume stones or other inedible objects (as well as act inappropriately) to attract the attention of their guardians.Is your dog stressed? Find out by reading our list of 10 signs your dog is stressed.

This type of behavior is incredibly common in shelter dogs. A stressed or anxious dog will try to release this pent up energy by chewing excessively or eating rocks.