Ds2sotfs dark crypt build
Ds2sotfs dark crypt build

att also adds to casting speed, which is handy if your a magic user and att also adds to how many casts of a spell you can pull off. i'd go 40 int 40 fth for soft cap magic across the board pve wise, 50/50 for hard cap but it all still adds on, just very diminishingly so.Īttunement i'd go at least 50 but aim for 75 i think it is for all spell slots. The beauty of a hex build is it gives you decent access to all branches of magic. Hex builds are pretty viable until you get to the DLC's where there is more elemental resistances, dark, magic, lightning, fire getting around but still good. Sorcery is so boring compared to hexes/dark magic. Wel, dark magic in DS1 is just sorcery with some physical damage. Even though it kind of makes sense lore-wise and because dark magic is super OP in dark souls 1 I bet there are people out there who don't even know about those dark magic spells in dark souls 1. Dark Souls 1 shouldn't have put dark magic so far into the dlc.


I like that if you know how to speed run to Felkin you can get hexes in about 30 mins to an hour after starting a new character (depending on how good you are).

ds2sotfs dark crypt build

Originally posted by Bearer of the Curse:

ds2sotfs dark crypt build

Well, dark magic in DS1 is just sorcery with some physical damage.

ds2sotfs dark crypt build

Seriously, do you not know what hexes are? Unfortunately dark souls 1 doesn't introduce you to dark magic until halfway through the f*cking Artorias of the Abyss DLC but most souls players know hexes = dark magic, miracles = "divine magic" (healing spells and lightning spells mainly), sorcery = arcane magic, pyromancy = fire magic. >asks if he should use lightning weapon or magic weapon Originally posted by Host.Of.Embers:how can i start with hex build, i have reached lvl 50 now and i have raised Adp to 30 what next ? and should i use lighting weapon or magic weapon

Ds2sotfs dark crypt build