Site origin information with each embed code as an extra security measure.Hopefully this plugin can help your site pass functional accessibility evaluations (FAE). Improved accessibility by using title attributes for screen reader support.This also works with YouTube livestream and gallery embeds that are embedded by our YouTube plugin. Simultaneous playback control – you can enable/disable the ability for visitors to have separate videos running at the same time on the same page.YouTube Premieres – The plugin provides you the same embedding methods for YouTube live streams as it does for premiere embeds.You can embed a direct link to a livestream too. YouTube Live Stream – Given a link to a YouTube channel, the plugin wizard automatically finds a livestream if one is active in that channel and displays the livestream for you.YouTube gallery auto continuous play – embed a playlist or channel gallery and allow it to play one video after the next without requiring viewers to click a thumbnail.Your visitors can browse through pages of video thumbnails and choose from videos that are pulled from an entire YouTube channel or playlist. By default, the plugin can generate a grid-based responsive playlist or channel gallery >. YouTube gallery capability: channel and playlist – The ability to make playlist and channel embeds have a gallery layout.

Note: if you have a full-blown consent plugin installed on your WordPress site, you may not need these particular features of this YouTube plugin. Privacy and Consent – Improved privacy and GDPR compliance options like YouTube no cookie, YouTube API restrictions, and a customizable GDPR consent message.For these and pretty much any other page builder with a short code widget, you can also embed your video, gallery, live stream, or premiere by creating the short code in the plugin’s wizard and then embedding the code in the page builder’s short code widget or text widget.
See more on how to embed a YouTube video, gallery, or livestream with the WordPress Gutenberg block editor here > The plugin is also compatible with several popular page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, SiteOrigin, and Visual Composer. The YouTube Wizard block is located under the “Embeds” category (make sure you choose “YouTube Wizard“). For the Gutenberg block selector, click on the (+) sign for the block editor list. Both the Gutenberg block selector and the Gutenberg classic block will show the YouTube wizard button. Compatible with the WordPress Gutenberg block editor (it also stays backwards-compatible with the classic editor WordPress plugin).We plan to add a plugin feature that will defer critical and non critical CSS in the future. That reasoning is the basis for the Defer CSS Javascript (styles and code) recommendation you’ll see in various web profiling tools. Defer critical and non critical JavaScript – improve the initial load time of your pages by allowing this plugin’s critical and non critical Javascript code to begin execution only after a page is loaded.We have tested this feature in multiple cases with a mix of other WordPress plugins, and we found it to successfully improve your Lighthouse performance score by addressing the following recommendation: “Some third-party resources can be lazy loaded with a facade – 1 facade alternative available.” You can demo this facade feature on our YouTube Plugin WordPress test site. The plugin then loads the real YouTube embed after clicking (note: for live streams, the real player is always loaded). YouTube gallery embeds and standard videos now support Facade Mode which improves plugin performance by loading a lighter version of the player, until it is clicked.

Here are a few recently added features to all versions (free and Pro) of this WordPress plugin: The plugin also focuses on performance with the ability to lazy load with a facade and defer JavaScript while serving minified CSS and JavaScript. This YouTube WordPress plugin can be customized in a wide variety of ways. YouTube WordPress Plugin to embed and customize a YouTube gallery (channel or playlist), YouTube livestream (and premiere), YouTube short, or standard YouTube video.